A special shout out to the wonderful Irina Maria Ganescu, who is part of the wider TCFT family and created our flyer. She’s a diamond!
Shaniqua Benjamin – Young People Insight
Graphic Designer
Irina Maria Gănescu is a Romanian Artist and Graphic Designer. After graduating from the High School of Fine Arts “Nicolae Tonitza” (Bucharest) she continued her studies at the University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu” in Bucharest, with a BA & MA in Product Design.
Her work as a Graphic Designer started in 2014, and since then completed many projects, print or web intended such as books (covers, illustrations, layouts), website visual concepts & graphics, branding & rebranding projects, posters (for theater plays or events), social media graphics, etc.
Graphic Design, Brand development
CEO & Lead Designer
Opera Circus UK – Graphic Design & Branding
Graphic Design, Brand Development, Website Visual Concept & Graphics
Graphic Design – Project Based
Graphic Designer
Graphic Design, Branding, Website Visual Concept & Graphics
Graphic Designer, Photographer
Graphic & Interior Designer
Graphic Designer – Project Based
Graphic & Interior Designer – Internship
Graphic Designer
Graphic Designer – Collaborator – Project Based
Graphic Designer – Collaborator – Project Based
Graphic Designer – Collaborator – Project Based
Graphic Designer – Project Based
Graphic Designer – Collaborator – Project Based
Coordonator, Graphic Designer
Coordonator, Graphic Designer, Photographer
Youth Leader, Artist, Graphic Design Collaborator
Mac Store Concept SRL
University of Architecture and Urban Planning “Ion Mincu” Bucharest
Certio Concept SRL
Libro Events SRL
Highschool of Fine Arts Nicolae Tonitza
Highschool of Fine Arts Nicoale Tonitza
Highschool of Fine Arts Nicolae Tonitza
University of Cambridge – ESOL Examinations
Udemy / Instructor: Steve Houraghan
Udemy / Instructor: Steve Houraghan
Udemy / Instructor: Daniel Walter Scott
Atelierele Ilbah
Product Design
Fine Arts – Watercolor
Product Design
Graphic Design
Product Design
Product Design
Book Design
Graphic Design
A special shout out to the wonderful Irina Maria Ganescu, who is part of the wider TCFT family and created our flyer. She’s a diamond!
Irina is patient, kind and a pleasure to work with. She has a great attitude and work ethic.
Very professional with great communication. Her management skills are astounding, she always went above and beyond the task, always encouraging and pushing the team to work hard and stick to deadlines.
Irina is a highly skilled and talented young designer and we will ensure that we work together with her in the future. Very beautiful and professional work.
She had been extremely dedicated and a driving force in a number of projects that we have worked together on. She is very hard-working, a natural leader and is able to think outside the box and develop new and innovative ideas. A very talented artist & graphic designer with a large portfolio of impressive work.
Arată senzațional coperta! Transmite o stare de relaxare, optimism și multă liniște!
Oh, ce coperta suava, parca ai lua cartea cu grija asa s nu strivesti macii. Bravo, Irina.
I think it looks great! Very clean and professional. They love it and said it is exactly the direction they are looking to go.
Cartea arata atat de bine gratie Doamnei Irina Maria Ganescu!
Wow and wow!!! This looks phenomenal. I really like it. Thank you so much! This kind of design is what we were aiming for.
You are my “go to” graphic designer and I am always delighted with your work 🙂
The website looks amazing!
This is great. I love the films section!
Love the website! CONGRATS!!
Trebuie să spun că și acest volum a fost realizat într-o concepție grafică de excepție (Irina Maria Gănescu), cuprinzând fotografii originale, sub semnături, un desen al Iarinei Pascu și ilustrarea poeziei ”Clovnul de caro” (care dă titlul primului capitol) cu păpușa ”Grigore” creată de Ion și Daria Gănescu.